Accessing Email Security as an End-User
The below instructions should be followed by your end-user if they wish to reset their password or to access their Email Security settings or archives.
Email Security Access
You can edit your Email Security settings via your own portal on the Hosting System. To access this please go to and use your main email address and password that you have used to access your Hosted Exchange account via Outlook Anywhere or Outlook Web Access.
One you've logged in please use the below instructions.
Email Security Settings
In your Email Security settings you can edit spam levels, whitelists rules, blacklist rules and reporting.
1. To access your Email Security Settings simply scroll down to the 'Email Security' heading on the main homepage.
2. Next, press 'click here to open' next to the 'Email Security Settings' sub-header.
Spam Levels: This allows you to update current spam levels.
Whitelist Rules: This allows you to manage the whitelist with the option to add single entries manually or multiple entries via a File (.csv). You can also view and remove entries that are currently active.
Blacklist Rules: This allows you to manage the blacklist with the option to add single entries manually or multiple entries via a file (.csv). You can also view and remove entries that are currently active.
Reporting: This allows you to add or manage email reports including the frequency these are provided, the time they are sent and the content to be included in the reports.
In here you can view your email Archives. The Archive view displays all email, whether clean or flagged as spam. In addition it displays details of emails which have been blocked as either containing a virus, having an attachment with a banned extension, or having a suspicious subject line known to have been used in mail storm attacks.
The Archive view will enable you to view and redeliver messages flagged as spam. You can also examine the quarantine logs to see why emails have been blocked.
Note: an end-user cannot redeliver quarantined emails, but a reseller or authorised organisation admin can.
1. To access your Email Security Archives simply scroll down to the 'Email Security' heading on the main homepage.
2. Next, press 'click here to open' next to the 'Archives' sub-header.
The Email Archive view will open, defaulting to All Mail.
The Archive consists of a number of views:
All Mail: Displays all email to the accounts
Received: This is all clean inbound email to the user
Sent: This is all email sent outbound from the account
Spam: This is all inbound email captured as Spam by the filter systems
Quarantine: This is all inbound email blocked for containing viruses, banned attachments or suspicious subject.
Please note: Email which contains attachments classified as High Risk (specified on the Banned Extensions tab in Domain Settings) will be deleted and NOT be held in quarantine. Such emails will still be reported in the Blocked Email Notification report.
Filter: This option allows you to filter each of these views to display specified information such as emails from a particular sender or emails of a subject or specified time period.
Magnifying Glass Icon: Individual emails can be accessed via the Magnifying Glass icon next to emails.
Here you will see a display of the basic Header information, Email Content in Files and Attachments and also the Content of the Email in the lower viewing pane.
The Basic Header Information shows the To and From Fields of the Email as well as the message Subject and the Date and Time the message was sent.
The Content Files are the individual aspects of the email split into individual files such as HTML content, Images and Plain Text Content.
Attachments is a view of all associated attachments with the option to access these directly from the attachments pane.
**URL Links are currently deactivated in this view as a Security Feature however you can copy and paste content from the pane to use elsewhere**.
Below the lower viewing pane you have some additional options:
Back to Email List: This returns you to the previous Email List view
View Email Details: This takes you to a more in-depth review of the email including the Message ID, Message Size, Spam Score and Highlighted Failed Spam Tests.
Re-deliver Email: This give you the option to re-deliver the individual email to the mailbox.
Quarantine View
If you click the Quarantine button you will see the following view:
Clicking the View/Redeliver icon (magnifying glass) will display the Email Details view: